Top 5 (Five) Dangerous Animals In The World

Top 5 (Five) Dangerous Animals In The World

  Hi viewers today i will talk about the dangerous living creatures of the planet earth. When it comes the word dangerous it means that killing human beings with no mercy. They attacks suddenly on humans and can kill them severely. So i have chosen a list for you the  most dangerous animals ever in the world so lets go to look upon them.

5: Blue Ringed Octopus

 As You know dears that there are many animals living in oceans or watery areas. among these one is called "Blue Ringed Octopus". Its size and shape is almost about a golf ball but never rely on it. It holds full venom to kill 26 adults at one time. Its so danger and affected person got paralyzed and unable to breathe. it is found in Australia and in Indo-Pacific and thousands of people suffer bites every year.In Australia it is mostly found in shallow coastal areas and beach goers. Experiments on  rabbits showed that a single adult Blue Ringed Octopus can paralyzed 10 human.

Bule Ringed Octopus
Bule Ringed Octopus

4: Hippopotamus

The forth one is Hippopotamus. A large size of animal like elephant. It is living in Sub Saharan Africa.They are very aggressive to humans whether in lands or water.It also considered one of the most dangerous large animal of Africa. It can run at 30 km/h speed. It can consume approximately 68 kg of grass each day or night.It weigh upto 9000 pound (i.e 4000 kgs). It look likes a harmless cow or buffalo but in fact is the dangerous animal of Africa. These beasts are vegetarian and don't eat people but are very harmful and angriest to humans.


3: Saltwater Crocodile

The 3rd one is Salt Crocodile. A danger beast of earth living in water and oceans. There are approximately 23 species of crocodiles in the world and among these 6 are considered dangerous to adult humans.although small size crocodile unable to kill human beings but the smallest species can inflict painful bites.Salt water Crocodile are considered very dangerous to killing humans among other crocodiles.In New Guinea, Borneo and often in Solomon Island people are attacked by Saltwater crocodiles.It can weigh of 2000 kg (4400 lb) and 7.1 m in length. It can be found mostly all across the north Australia.Hence Australian Saltwater are the largest reptiles in the world for confirmed measurement of 1000 kg.

Salt Crocodile
Salt Crocodile

2: Belcher's Sea Snake

The 2nd in the list is dangerous Belcher's Sea Snake, The world most known venomous snake. It can kill 1000 people by his bite which contain toxin venom.Often many fisherman are suffer from this snake. It is mostly found in South East Asia and Northern Australia or Indian ocean, off the coasts of Philippines.Its toxicity is so potent that it can kill a person in less than 30 minutes. As you read that its most dangerous but on other side it seems to be quite friendly and mild tempered.
Belcher Sea Snake
Belcher Sea Snake
1: Mosquito

Guys you will wonder that why i place mosquito at 1st number on the dangerous animal list but you know that mosquito carry and transmit disease like malaria, dengue fever, yellow fever, West Nile and Chikungunya. They are mostly found in stagnant water, paddling pools and buckets or ponds. As small as it is though, it is also the deadliest.Studies shows that mosquitoes transmit diseases to almost 700 million (70 Crores) people in the world annually and resulting 2 to 3 million to deaths every year.


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